Valentines Day

Let me first start off by saying that I am NOT a fan of Valentines Day; I think it is an over-rated holiday, and why do you even need a holiday to tell someone that you love them that should be an every day occurrence not because someone declared a holiday. Also, most people are so uncreative when it comes to Valentine’s Day it’s always “Oh honey I got you flowers/chocolate/jewelry” let’s get creative people!

I recently found a blog that has changed the way I feel about Valentines Day: Pop 17 they have recently written an article about Valentine’s Day and what it means to us. Valentine’s Day is not just a holiday for you and your significant other, but it is a holiday in which you can show people that you care, but why does the caring need to stop with our immediate loved ones? Pop 17 brought up an EXCELLENT point that non-profits should take advantage of Valentine’s Day. I think we have an amazing opportunity to change Valentine’s Day into a celebration of love for all of man kind. I am asking each of you to pick your favorite non-profit or cause and donate to them to show your love for other people. You don’t even have to donate to an organization give money to someone that you care about.

Some of my favorite organizations/people I like to support are:

Natasha Weinstein and her fight for Chron’s. Natasha is running a half marathon in order to help find a cure for Chron’s.

Champlain College’s Teach for Tomorrow. A group of Champlain College students travel to Tanzania, Africa to work in a village where they will do manual labor for organizations.

African Empowerment For information about them check out my last post

Wear Your Music is an organization that turns musicians (such as Breaking Benjamin, Phish, Bonnie Raitt, Tim McGraw, and so many more)

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  1. #1 by Josh Chandler on February 13, 2011 - 8:31 pm


    Thank you so much for featuring my Pop17 post. I really appreciate it.

    I have just emailed you with a query in regards to this post. 🙂

  2. #2 by Natasha on February 13, 2011 - 10:22 pm

    That makes so much sense. I have never had someone to spend valentine’s day with and putting my love into something i care about is so much more productive and rewarding. Thanks for the support!

  3. #3 by Julie on February 14, 2011 - 2:15 pm

    what about Hope in the Boat…..your own Mom’s organ supporting breast cancer survivors on their journey… to survivors and friends who support the bc mission and wellness.

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